Well, we hope your Children, your Grandchildren, Nieces, Nephews and little Cousins had a blast over the summer because its time to hit those books again...And for this special occasion Poppa L's and Co Host CM Dubb had to call on one of the youngest members of the #OldSchoolflavacrew Keyshawn "Office Boy Jr" Witters to give them the 411 on the #Backtoschoolseason as well as his plans for 7th grade...
This Sunday on #OldschoolflavaSundays with Poppa L's they're going drop the needle on some records that's going to get the kiddies moving and grooving to help get them back in the mood of school... Only on #PoeticDesignsRadio at 4pm August 30th.
Please feel free to listen live via 657-383-0107 or www.Blogtalkradio.com/Poeticdesignsradio